Monday, January 14, 2013

Rewritten - Chapter 16 - Review Responses

I know what you're thinking. FINALLY! I was thinking the same thing myself, believe it or not. If you're reading this and the new chapter isn't up yet, it should be soon. Just need some final proofing and editing before I post.

Needless to say as any who read this have been able to tell from my last postings - it's been a fun ride these last two months. Between Superstorms and Holiday retail hell, I didn't really have the time to simply sit down and focus on writing. Of course various games, other stories, and football also did their part in keeping me distracted.

Work is still busy as hell with the flu panic still in full swing, but luckily by this time we've gotten extra help so I'm not coming home every day overworked and stressed out. But those of you who have been following me since I started writing years ago may have noticed that I tend to be somewhat cyclical in my writing anyway. During the late year holiday season any work I do tends to trickle down to nothing because I simply have so much on my plate during that time frame. Most of my writing usually takes place starting in mid spring through late summer, because that's usually when retail is quietest.

Anyway, enough about me. Things should be alright for me for the forseeable future anyway, so long as nothing extraordinary pops up.

All that said, there isn't really much to respond to since this chapter should answer most, if not all of the lingering questions. There are still a few loose ends that I intend to clear up in the epilogue, as well as other further insights and clarifications in Rewritten: B Side.

Madara and Mikoto's eyes - He didn't specifically set it up that way, but he did want to test her mettle.

Madara and body of Jyuubi - Some artistic license was involved, but in part Madara really did 'die' and got resurrected by Nagato. It was a change in his plans, certainly. Nagato also didn't die (like obito would) because Nagato is of Senju-relation (like all Uzumaki).

... wow, after going through all the reviews, that's all I could really respond to. Some more questions will be answered in the epilogue like I said, though there really isn't much left.

On a side-note, I love how all of my 'bad' reviews are left anonymously. Makes me chuckle, but after five years of writing I've gotten some thick skin. It amazes me that people read the first 100k words, only to finally say 'this sucks'. So amusing.

Anyway, stay tuned for the epilogue... otherwise this story is done. I put more thought into the final 'battle' than was probably healthy, and I can't tell you how many times I deleted and re-wrote entire portions.

I think I had more to say but now I can't remember it. If I do, I'll post it later.

P.S. I'll probably write up an in-depth look at my thought processes for why I did the fight the way I did after the epilogue is done, for any interested.


  1. Well I enjoyed the story it was one of the better ones and you didn't try to force it to be longer then it had to be. :D

    Still now I'm looking forward to more Fire Shadow, and given that and idea came to me. When you reach the time skip, what do you think about having them end up in Naruto's world for about a year then returning and finding three had passed?

    It would make far more sense for a massive power increase instead of the stupid Zodiac magical pain power boost. :p

  2. I had something in mind like that, actually. Truthfully, I've scrapped certain parts of my outline more times than I'd like to mention. I had originally intended on ending the story before the time skip appeared in canon, but sometimes things in canon just fit so well with what I wanted to do...

    Ugh, it could be so frustrating. I wanted to stop but then I had the urge to keep going. Eventually (now) I just plain stalled because of frustration. I'll be getting back into it, but that's one of the perils of being a fanfiction writer with not as much free time as I used to have, I guess.
