Monday, June 24, 2013

Wanted to post some stuff today

I kept writing and writing, at least. I want to have enough written up where I can post a few things as a sort of 'sorry' for being gone for so long, even if there wasn't really a whole lot I could do about it.

I'm pretty much refining the first chapter of my new Rosario crossover story, as I had a mistake in the beginning from when I started writing this. I actually hadn't read the latest two chapters of Rosario so I had to fix some bits, mainly to do with the timeline of things. Thankfully it wasn't that big of a deal.

Anyway, another snippet of sorts for those who check this:


“Since we've already done introductions, why don't you tell the others who you are before you take the seat in the back corner over there by the window?"
The boy nodded, then promptly performed a quick bow. “My name is Naruto Uzumaki. I hope we all get along.” That said, Moka watched as he quickly scanned the room, perhaps to see if he recognized anyone. She thought that his bright blue gaze might have rested on her for a second longer than any other, but it was probably just her imagination.
Like everyone else though, she watched as he moved over to the far aisle, walking down the row of desks to the very last one. Her gaze passed over Tsukune, who almost looked like he flinched when Naruto walked past, but other than that the blond's trek to his desk was uneventful.
Turning back to face the front of the room, she grabbed a pen and started to copy the lesson plan that was on the board. It may not have been due today, but there was nothing wrong with working ahead.


  1. An interesting snippet. It looks a lot different than the chapter I gave you, for one, Tsukune is there, for another, it doesn't look like he and Moka are even friends.

    Not that this is always a bad thing. It looks like the story will still be interesting. I just honestly hope that Tsukune does not end up with Moka. Really, I think that's the only thing I care about.

    Well, that and whoever else Naruto gets paired with. I'm personally hoping he will at least be with Kokoa as well. It would be interesting to see how the two sister's handle being with the same man, and I've never seen it done before so.... yeah, anyways. I look forward to reading.

    1. Yeah, I decided to go a different path in case you ever got around to posting yours. That way they'd be different enough to be completely legitimate stories without the overlap.

      No worries, Moka and Kokoa will be with Naruto. I'm also contemplating some OC stuff, but right now I'm playing that by ear.

      I'm keeping Tsukune in as a way to foist off a few girls that I don't plan on putting with Naruto. I don't plan on having Tsukune in the story as more than... perhaps a sidekick of sorts.

    2. Well, since he's there, maybe you should have Naruto take him under his wing. Perhaps instead of making Tsukune some human/monster/ghoul hybrid, have Naruto train him to be a shinobi.

      Oh, and is Kurama in this story? Or did that change as well? I suppose I'll find out when you post the chapter.

      Uh... when is this chapter getting posted again?
