Friday, August 9, 2013

Of Vampires and Foxes 1 - Stuff

Going to be posting the new chapter shortly. Took me a lot longer than I'd have liked, but that's life for you. So much to do, so little time to do it all. I swear, all my free time dried up once I hit about 28 years old, and now that I'm 30 it feels like there is even less time somehow.

Oh well.

Anyway, I'm not really going to pinpoint any specific reviews at this point, because most of them seem to follow along one of three paths.

1 - Bitching and moaning because it's another story with Naruto in it.

2 - Naruto should be (insert strength here) because he (insert reason that doesn't apply to this story here) and etcetera, etcetera, yadda yadda.

3 - Your story sucks and you should go die in a fire. After one chapter.

It feels more and more like fanfiction is being overwhelmed by immature preteens/tweens/teenagers, probably most of which are in that 10 to 18 range. They either post anonymously because they're scared about being argued with, or will say plenty about why something sucks without having written a thing themselves.

I guess that makes sense, because only a fellow author really knows what it's like to write.

Anyway... not much else to really say on this topic. I write when I can now... wish it was more often, but that's life. So many things to do and not enough time to do it all. (Ick, I'm probably a broken record about that by now.)

I stopped updating the sidebar on the right because I've been writing this latest chapter piecemeal. I think to day was the most time I had free, literally like three hours to just sit down and FINISH the chapter, after writing a couple sentences here and there every other day or so.

Sadly, I think the quality may suffer a bit because of that, but I hope not.


  1. It did suffer a bit. I read the chapter and it felt very... disjointed, I think is the best word to use here. It was kind of like you were writing one thing with certain thoughts in mind, then randomly switched as your thoughts shifted gears and another idea cropped up in your head. Sometimes I almost felt like I was reading two stories that were similar to each other, but different enough that I noticed there was something off with what I was reading.

    I'm guessing this is just because you were writing maybe a few sentences or paragraphs a day, but never finished an entire scene in a single day, leaving your thoughts on where you last started different than what you had originally planned on writing.

    Then again, maybe not. I've never written like that, so I can't say if that's what really happened.

  2. Just asking about the pairing you weren't very clear, NarutoXMokaXKokoa as main.So is it gonna be a NarutoXHarem or what.And about the guys who spit on your work,ignore them, cant write their own damn fics so they, try to force you how they would like the story to evolve. Immature brats, lot of them.
    Best regards

  3. Life, sadly. Zero free time. Any posting I made here would just be a rehash of my day at work, and I can't really make excuses for working a lot since I have bills to pay.

    It sucks, but it happens. I was doing it in bits and pieces and potentially still could by my latest chapter out was a bit lacking to me, and I'd like to avoid a repeat of that if possible.

  4. thats cool knowing you are still alive even if very busy is good.

  5. you could always talk about your coworker or bitch out on your boss anonymously.

  6. Yes, I am. Work has not slowed down, and then my free time is spent catching up on reading when I probably could be writing. Ugh. I really need to get back in the groove...

  7. Your life comes first man, just glad to hear you've not decided to quit.

  8. It's been a while, hasn't it? Still. You did a good job so far. I enjoyed your stories, though I've only read two of them.

  9. Any thoughts on the ending of Naruto?(Movies not out yet so there's still a bit too look foreword too) and I hope you haven't given up on your stories, I still hold on hope to reading your stories to completion!

    1. No, haven't given up, but not much in the way of progress either. Priorities shift IRL, and occasionally I'll get the bug to jot something down... but I haven't even been reading nearly as much as I used to.

      Only another 25 years to go until I can retire and have all the free time in the world...

      Anyway, RE: the end of Naruto... I feel as though it was a bit of a cop-out. I think on one hand he was tired of it, and on the other hand it was a marketing ploy to milk the franchise... there was no point to end it where it was other than the fact that if enough stuff was left open ended there would be more to show later. And boy was there a lot of stuff left unanswered.

      Not to mention Naruto ending up with a girl that only appeared in 15 chapters (someone on tumblr actually checked and showed proof) where she talked with him... out of 700. I don't get it. Then again I'm not the person in charge of a multi-million dollar international IP, so what do I know?

  10. How's it going Brian? I take it that you're never really going to start/finish Whirlpool Country and Experiments in Empathy. Having to work so much can sure suck, heh...After the last two chapters i read Whirlpool Country around six times back to back.

    Not only was it the very first fanfic i read it is also the only one that somehow seems to be, i don't know, canon in written form, as if Kishimoto wrote these chapters himself if you know what i mean.

    *sigh* I'll wait until you declare your fanfiction career and those two fics for finished. Somehow, even after three years, i still think that it would be worth the wait.
